Tao Te Jing = 5 ……… nature

image and text credits : http://www.chinapage.com/gnl.html

Nature is not kind;
It treats all things impartially.
The Sage is not kind,
And treats all people impartially.

Nature is like a bellows,
Empty, yet never ceasing its supply.
The more it moves, the more it yields;
So the sage draws upon experience
And cannot be exhausted.

Above Image and original texts credits

wisdom notes = 5

That is infinite, this is infinite;
From That infinite this infinite comes.
From That infinite, this infinite removed or added;
Infinite remains infinite.
Om. Peace! Peace! Peace!
Understanding energy equation of atom we can understand infinite .
as energy equation of atom is zero.  
what is zero on earth?.        
the water……..
calorie zero or neutral in character
so is infinite and sage

Tao Te Jing = 4…… Limitless

The Way is a limitless vessel;
Used by the self, it is not filled by the world;
It cannot be cut, knotted, dimmed or stilled;
Its depths are hidden, ubiquitous and eternal;
I don’t know where it comes from;
It comes before nature.

Above Image and original texts credits

wisdom notes = 4

“While there is neither light nor darkness, neither sound nor silence, neither heard nor unheard, neither positive nor negative, neither sweet nor tasteless,only that which is constant and eternal pervades beyond creation and destruction”

VISHNU = Visual information system human’s new understanding


Tao Te Jing = 3…… Without Action

Not praising the worthy prevents contention,
Not esteeming the valuable prevents theft,
Not displaying the beautiful prevents desire.

In this manner the sage governs people:
Emptying their minds,
Filling their bellies,
Weakening their ambitions,
And strengthening their bones.

If people lack knowledge and desire
Then they can not act;
If no action is taken
Harmony remains.

Above Image and original texts credits:http://www.chinapage.com/gnl.html

wisdom notes =3Appointment with God

Cycle of time…….outside.
Shoes of wealth……outside.
Cash and cars……outside.
Family and friends……outside.
Only happiness and harmony……..inside.

Tao Te Jing = 2……Abstraction

When beauty is abstracted
Then ugliness has been implied;
When good is abstracted
Then evil has been implied.

So alive and dead are abstracted from nature,
Difficult and easy abstracted from progress,
Long and short abstracted from contrast,
High and low abstracted from depth,
Song and speech abstracted from melody,
After and before abstracted from sequence.

The sage experiences without abstraction,
And accomplishes without action;
He accepts the ebb and flow of things,
Nurtures them, but does not own them,
And lives, but does not dwell.

Above Image and original texts credits:http://www.chinapage.com/gnl.html

wisdom notes = 2
Age is dewelling in time
and time is a ever changing
horizontal dimension measured
by motion of Sun between
East and West so abstractions
of duality in nature.
Sage is living in timelessness
and timeless is never changing
vertical dimension and alignment
of soul with north which is neutral zero…..
now…. so experiences oneness with cosmic spirit.

Tao Te Jing = 1…… The Way

The Way that can be experienced is not true;
The world that can be constructed is not true.
The Way manifests all that happens and may happen;
The world represents all that exists and may exist.

To experience without intention is to sense the world;
To experience with intention is to anticipate the world.
These two experiences are indistinguishable;
Their construction differs but their effect is the same.

Beyond the gate of experience flows the Way,
Which is ever greater and more subtle than the world.

Above Image and original text creditshttp://www.chinapage.com/gnl.html

wisdom notes = 1

love is an expression without expressed

beyond every known and unknown dimensions is dimension of love….Flows as neutral and natural like water is the way and subtle essence of all the rays……

Tao Te Jing = timeless wisdom of Lao Tze

Lao Tzu

[Lao Tzu]

Biography of Lao Tzu – Founder of Taoism

It’s hard to pin down a biography of Lao Tzu (570-490 BC). There are numerous legends about him. Many believe he never existed at all, while historians can point to several possible historical identities for him. Regardless, the legends give the book an endearing, human face. They all place him in Luoyang (marked in this map), the ancient capital of China.

China map

Confucius and Lao Tzu

The most famous legends are of how he came to write the Tao and of his meeting with Confucius 
(pictured below; click for larger version of image):

Around the 6th century B.C.E. Greece had Plato and Socrates; India had the Buddha and China had Confucius and Lao Tzu. Born in Ch’u (present-day Henan Province), Lao Tzu ([small Lao Tzu]), which literally means “old master”, is also sometimes referred to as Lao Tan or Li Er. 

Confucius meets Lao TzuHe was appointed Keeper of the Imperial Archives by the King of Zhou in Luoyang. He studied the archive’s books avidly and his insight grew.

Hearing of Lao Tzu’s wisdom, Confucius travelled to meet him. Confucius put a lot of emphasis on traditional rituals, customs and rites. 

Confucius asked Lao Tzu about performing rites and rituals. Lao Tzu replied: “The bones of the people you are talking about have long since turned to dust! Only their words linger on. If a man’s time comes, he will be successful; if not, he will not be successful. A successful merchant hides his wealth and a noble person of character will feign foolishness. Therefore, you should give up your proud airs, your desires, vanity and extravagant claims! They are useless to you.

Later Confucius later told his students:
Birds can fly,
Fish can swim,
Animals can run,
So they can all be snared or trapped.

But Lao Tzu is like a flying Dragon, un-trappable.

Traditional Chinese painting of Lao Tzu
leaving LuoYang on an Ox

Much later, Lao Tzu perceived that the kingdom’s affairs were disintegrating , so it was time to leave. He was travelling West on a buffalo when he came to the Han Gu Pass, which was guarded. The keeper of the pass realised Lao Tzu was leaving permanently, so he requested that Lao Tzu write out some of his wisdom so that it could be preserved once he was gone (pictured on the right). 

Lao Tzu climbed down from his buffalo and immediately wrote the Tao Te Ching. He then left and was never heard of again.

Image and text credits


p.s….. thought to present this timeless wisdom in contemporary context in essence in 81 wisdom notes ……steno at work again…..love all.

ram0ram happiness notes = 4

Purpose of my writings is to make understanding of life through scientific research and spiritual visions easy and simple so to save time …and saving of time is a most valuable gift we can give to our children and grand children and share with all these lessons we learn in this life ….

this after noon I way playing with my grand daughter 6 years now….she was playing with me …the game of opposites ….after many opposites we came at beauty and ugly…..

so she commented with such simplicity …..but grand papa there is nothing ugly in this world……

children are truly enlightened masters.

love all.

(c) ram0ram ……freedom to right copy and share