eternal beauty

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.


you are eternity


you are the mirror.

Khalil Gibran

Khalil Gibran

( 1883 – 1931 )

Artist, poet, and writer

ram0ram footnote


Can you see your own image without mirror?

Even I cannot see my own image without mirror,


thing which is truth for you is truth for me also.

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I am the creator of nature .

Nature is my image .

Nature is the cosmic world .

I always exist , nature creates and destroys itself .

I am you , nature is your body .

I want to be happy to see my clean image of creation

for that I give everything a mirror inside


the possibility for every one of you to keep this mirror clean


when mirror is clean ,

I am with you .

( quote from Own Zero )

love all

(c) ram0ram

freedom to right copy and share 

happiness ….. the cup of love

“People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.

Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.

“H.Jackson Browne 

Good and God’s morning ……  

this morning while walking on the circular pathway of Garden ……. normally traffic in India moves on left hand side so there are many who are behind on my side and before my side so we walk clockwise but there are many who walk anti clockwise so cross them two times in one complete circle …….

so wondering when one walk alone there is no rules …. but the moment two comes …… there comes a silent understanding of a smooth flow …. means both follow the left hand drive but both cross each other …..

so true freedom means give a path to others without any obstructions …. without hurting each other …..

in garden …… everyone who comes there comes for happiness and health …… some walk ….some exercise …. some enchant ….some sing …..some clap ….. all like the different flowers of the garden of life and all sing like different birds of the divine ….

there is a saying of in the holy books of Hinduism and must be in all religions …… which are meeting in one place as earth has become a global village ……. so this saying is ….

Hari Anant Hari Katha Ananta, Kahi sunahi bahu vidhi sab Santa!

it ‘s meaning in English is …… God is infinite so are the tales so there are infinite ways to tell and listen ……

my mother used to tell God is DAYALU which means kind but ALU means potato also so she will tell ……God is like a kind Potato …….. and it is everyone’s freedom to cook in own way ….. mix spices according to own taste ……so let we all be happy in the kitchen of divine …..

learning to making good herbal and spice Indian tea from my wife ….

she is not only wife but a complete life ……

happiness in my view is like a plate which holds cup of life ….. to drink tea of love 

love all…

(c) ram0ram …… freedom to right copy and share 

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How Your Brain Works
by Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D. and Robynne Boyd

Every animal you can think of — mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians — has a brain. But the human brain is unique. Although it’s not the largest, it gives us the power to speak, imagine and problem solve. It is truly an amazing organ.

The brain performs an incredible number of tasks including the following:

It controls body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing.

It accepts a flood of information about the world around you from your various senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching).

It handles your physical movement when walking, talking, standing or sitting.

It lets you think, dream, reason and experience emotions.

All of these tasks are coordinated, controlled and regulated by an organ that is about the size of a small head of cauliflower.

Your brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves make up a complex, integrated information-processing and control system known as your central nervous system.

In tandem, they regulate all the conscious and unconscious facets of your life.

The scientific study of the brain and nervous system is called neuroscience or neurobiology. 

Because the field of neuroscience is so vast — and the brain and nervous system are so complex — this article will start with the basics and give you an overview of this complicated organ.

We’ll examine the structures of the brain and how each section controls our daily functions, including motor control, visual processing, auditory processing, sensation, learning, memory and emotions.

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Hinduism is also known as Sanatana dharma. The meaning of the word Sanatana is that which has no beginning or end and that which is there always. Dharma refers to the ‘right way of living’ and ‘proper conduct’ in a religious sense. With respect to spirituality, dharma might be considered the way of the higher truths.

Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s faiths and its origins is dated between 10,000 – 7,000 BC in present day India. Hinduism is a dharma or way of life evolved by the great sages and seers of ancient India. Its traditions extend back before recorded history is still a living and growing religion and has Global acceptance and accepts every human following it’s own path and part of a cosmos as one family .

Hinduism is probably the only religion which provides great support for science and scientific discoveries. Most of the modern day inventions can be found in ancient Hindu scriptures. before we continue further on our journey…

mind of God = ram0ram footnote = 48

Hinduism is also known as Sanatana dharma. The meaning of the word Sanatana is that which has no beginning or end and that which is there always. Dharma refers to the ‘right way of living’ and ‘proper conduct’ in a religious sense. With respect to spirituality, dharma might be considered the way of the higher truths.

Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s faiths and its origins is dated between 10,000 – 7,000 BC in present day India. Hinduism is a dharma or way of life evolved by the great sages and seers of ancient India. Its traditions extend back before recorded history is still a living and growing religion and has Global acceptance and accepts every human following it’s own path and part of a cosmos as one family .

Hinduism is probably the only religion which provides great support for science and scientific discoveries. Most of the modern day inventions can be found in ancient Hindu scriptures. before we continue further on our journey …..

mind of God = ram0ram footnote = 47

Hinduism is also known as Sanatana dharma. The meaning of the word Sanatana is that which has no beginning or end and that which is there always. Dharma refers to the ‘right way of living’ and ‘proper conduct’ in a religious sense. With respect to spirituality, dharma might be considered the way of the higher truths.

Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s faiths and its origins is dated between 10,000 – 7,000 BC in present day India. Hinduism is a dharma or way of life evolved by the great sages and seers of ancient India. Its traditions extend back before recorded history is still a living and growing religion and has Global acceptance and accepts every human following it’s own path and part of a cosmos as one family .

Hinduism is probably the only religion which provides great support for science and scientific discoveries. Most of the modern day inventions can be found in ancient Hindu scriptures. before we continue further on our journey ……..

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Dialog between Uddaalak a subjective scientist of macro vision and His Son Shwetketu a objective scientist of micro vision almost 3000 years before….the following story is taken from Chhaandogya Upanishad ( 800 – 600 B.C.).

It must have been a morning like this. The trees were dancing in the morning sun, and the birds were singing. And the house of a great mystic of those days, Udallaka, was celebrating the coming back of his son, Swetketu, from the house of the Master where he had been sent to study.

In those ancient days, education was basically the education of the non-ego. A student was sent to the forest university to live with the Master so that he could dissolve himself and have a taste of existence. 

Yes, he had brought the greatest award that the university could have conferred. He had passed all the examinations, he had obtained the highest degree, and he came loaded with much knowledge. But something was missing, and the father’s eyes were full of tears.

Swetketu could not understand it. He said is something wrong? Why are you unhappy?’

Uddaalak said – “Shwetketu, Have you ever asked your teacher for that instruction by which we hear what cannot be heard, by which we perceive what cannot be perceived, by which we know what cannot be known?

Shwetketu said – “What is that instruction, Sir?”

The father replied – “My dear, just as by a single lump of clay, all that is made of clay is known, all modifications being only a name based upon words, (the difference being only a name arising from speech) but the truth being that all is clay thus, my dear, is that instruction.”

“Please Sir, explain this to me further.” said Shwetketu.

Uddaalak – “Bring me a fruit of that Nyagrodh tree (banyan tree).”
Shwetketu – “Here is one, Sir.”
Uddaalak – “Break it.”
Shwetketu – “It is broken, Sir.”
Uddaalak – “What do you see there?”
Shwetketu – “Those extremely small seeds, Sir.”
Uddaalak – “Break one of them, my dear.”
Shwetketu – “It is broken, Sir.”
Uddaalak – “What do you see there?”
Shwetketu – “Nothing, Sir.”

The father said – “My son, that subtle essence which you do not perceive there, of that very essence this great Nyagrodha tree, grows (exists). Believe me, my son. Now, that which is the subtle essence (the root of all) in That all that exists has its Self; that is the Self; That is the Truth; That thou art, O Shwetketu!”

Shwetketu said – “Please, Sir, explain to me further.”

“Be it so, my child,” replied the father.

Uddaalak – “Place this salt in the water and come to me in the morning.”
Shwetketu, the son, did as he was commanded.
Next day the father said to him – “Bring the salt, my dear, which you put in the water last night.” The son looked for it and did not find it, for it had become dissolved.
The father said – “My child, taste it from the surface of the water. How is it?”
The son replied – “It is salt.”
Uddaalak – “Taste it from the middle. How is it?”
The son replied – “It is salt.”
Uddaalak – “Taste it from the bottom. How is it?”
The son replied – “It is salt.”
The father said – “Throw it away and come to me.”
The son did so; It exists for ever.

Then the father said to him – “Here also in this body, forsooth, you do not perceive the Truth (Sat or Pure Being), my son, but there it is indeed.”
The father said – “Now that which is the subtle essence (the root of all), in That all that exists has its Self: That is the Self; that is the Truth; That thou art; O Shwetketu.

Very disturbed, the young man went back to his master. He had come back from his master’s ashram after many years and was sent back without even a day’s rest.

“But why didn’t you teach me that one my father asks about? Why?…All these years wasted!… My father says I don’t know myself, and of what use is all this knowledge of the Vedas? I can recite, but what am I going to do with it?” He sent me back saying, “Don’t come unless you have become a real knower . So, master, teach me that one”.

The master laughed and said, “That one cannot be taught. Yes, it can be caught, but it cannot be taught. That is why I could not teach it. But if you insist, then a situation can be created”.

That is what all masters do: they just create a situation. “Take hold of all the cows of the ashram” – there are four hundred cows – “and take them to the deepest forest, absolutely inaccessible to other human beings, then come back only when your herd has grown to one thousand cows and bulls. It will take many years, but you go. And remember cows will be your friends and your family: you can talk to them if you like”.

In the beginning he must have tried to talk to the cows, but by and by thought that it was meaningless. Out of habit, he must have recited the Vedas, and the cows would have continued munching their grass. What can you do with an audience of cows? By and by he stopped talking and began to forget. A great unlearning had begun.

The herd grew to be a thousand, but by that time Swetketu had forgotten all about going back. Then one cow, so goes the story, reminded him, “Listen, now that we are a thousand, it is time and our master must be waiting.” Swetketu followed them.

The master came out to receive him and said to the other disciples, “Look at these one thousand and one cows!” But the disciples said, “There are only one thousand cows, and one is Swetketu”. The master said, “He has disappeared, he is no longer there. He is a cow – so innocent; look into his eyes.”

This is a state of no-mind. And this has been the goal in the East – the state where you are not, and in fact for the first time you are. The disappearance of the ego and the appearance of the true and the authentic – this is the state we call realization, God realization, self realization or understanding mind of God ….or enlightenment.

p.s…………..Numbers are additions of one into one, zero is subtraction of one from one . Once zero always zero even after applying all mathematical calculations.

Zero is cosmic equation of all energy 

before we start our jouney as a spiritual scientist we will watch some video explaining the Sanatana Dharma of thousand years before in light of present modern science….
love all.

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Dance of Natraja.

4 steps to creative enlightenment 

eternity is dancing on eternity like football…..leather cover or body is a cover of time for timelessness.

1. so a normal person see the cover of time through micro vision of science or first step of information …the role as a spectator.

2. but real discovery will be the timeless inside the second step of self realisation or macro vision of spirituality or understanding the cosmic game.

3. Dance of natraja is the oneness of dance and the dancer …. timeless and the time……dance is one of the path on journey of creative enlightenment to mirror that cosmic spirit which is beyond and behind timeless and time we may refer as OM , ALLAH , GOD or name of our choice ….the third step into union of duality and performance as a good player.

4. with this oneness all the time to take life as a sacred pilgrimage ……every breath as a prayer…..every step as a gratitude …..every milestone…..with smile of happiness….. the fourth step of transformation …..the role of a referee …..journey and destination together …..perfect cosmic energy equation of 
zero…..Mind of God.

love all.

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Cosmos ‘a billion years older’
By Dr David Whitehouse 
BBC News Online science editor

Some stars may live longer than was thought
The Universe could be a billion years older than was thought, according to Italian and German scientists.

Measurements made in an underground laboratory suggest an atomic reaction that produces energy inside stars is slower than was believed.

It means that estimates of stellar lifetimes are too short. A readjustment gives the Universe an age of 14.7 instead of 13.7 billion years.

The results are to be published in the journal Physics Review Letters.

Going underground

The new result comes from Luna – the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics – situated underneath Gran Sasso mountain in Italy.

Simulating a piece of the Sun
In Luna, scientists from the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics and the University of Bochum in Germany are reproducing one of the energy-producing nuclear reactions that take place inside the Sun.

“In an ordinary laboratory on the surface, the effects of the reaction studied by Luna would be hidden by similar, but much more abundant, effects. Because our laboratory is under 1,400m of rock, we have an isolated base to make these delicate measurements,” says Luna co-ordinator Dr Carlo Broggini.

The cycle they are studying – the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle – only supplies a tiny fraction of our Sun’s energy. It is far more important in larger stars.

The result obtained suggests that the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen cycle takes place at half the rate as was believed.

The implications are that massive stars live longer than was first thought, a factor that affects estimates of the age of the Universe based on the ages of the oldest stars.

p.s… next article we will view the findings of spiritual scientist or sage put into text thousands of years ago and will compare with findings of modern scientist and will be amazed with the similarity of both findings ….one micro vision and other macro vision and union of two will bring the vision of truth about God….mind of God ….love and purpose of life …..journey of creative enlightenment continues…….be in the journey ….love all.